Free Keyword Research Tools Are Not As Effective as Wordtracker

Free Keyword Research Tools Are Not As Effective as Wordtracker

By  |  September 13, 2018  |  Uncategorized  |  No Comments

Free Keyword Research Tools Are Not As Effective as Wordtracker

Many online marketers fail, because they just don’t realize that free keyword research tools only give very competitive keywords. You need wordtracker to strike it niche (RICH).
One of the most unanswered questions online today is, how to perform keyword research that gets free traffic from the search engines. Many SEO experts recommends using one keyword or keyword phrase per page, while others recommends using secondary keywords with your main keyword.
My philosophy is simple, you simply use both methods and check to see which method works best.
You will also have to draw the line and recognize which is working best and continue with that method.
For me, I love to use one keyword phrase for review pages and for content pages I use secondary keywords with my main keyword, making the theme of that page much more search engine friendly. Our job is to please the spiders as well as our visitors.
My advice for newcomers is to build our first page using only a free tool such as GoodKeywords. I did the same with my first site, which ranked very highly for my choosen keyword phrases, due to the fact that the competition wasn’t very high and I also didn’t use the highly targeted keywords found in the search results.
Now, I must admit that I wanted to take my keyword research to higher heights and even discover a niche of my own with very little competition, and that is where free keyword research tools fails. They don’t supply enough data for you to analyze if your keywords are actually worth while or highly competitive.
That is where, wordtracker and KRA comes into play.
Wordtracker is the number one keyword research tool online, has been for many years and still is. Those who generate five figure monthly commission checks with affiliate programs knows the importance of wordtracker and just can’t live without it.
KRA, is a tool by SEO expert Andy Williams that you can use to filter out secondary keywords and related phrases. If your into optimizing your pages for better search engines result, then I highly recommend you get yourself a copy.
You can reap the benefits of online keyword research by using these tools, and stop fiddling around with free tools. Free tools are for beginners who are testing the waters. It is now time for you to join the rank of professional marketers and stop hoping for success.
The best feeling you can get from your online marketing is when you make that first sale, and it doesn’t matter how big it is.
Stop targeting the wrong keywords and start building much more profitable content pages that only the smart marketers are targeting.
My final words: If a keyword research tool is so good, then why would you create a tool with an import possibility for wordtracker data?

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