Email Security Systems

Email Security Systems

By  |  December 1, 2019  |  Uncategorized  |  No Comments

Email Security Systems

Do you have an email account? If yes, then I bet you know the fact that emails are not all secured. Viruses and other threats are distributed throughout the network and they are so potent that they can cripple your email system in just a matter of minutes. For instance, the messages you sent to your friend can be read and modified in transit, even before they reach their destination. That’s not all! The username and password you use for your email account can even be stolen and used by hackers who are lurking just in the corners of the virtual world. With all these threats, there’s no other better way you can do than to consider an email security system.

Email security systems are available for you to consider nowadays. These systems are designed and developed by the professionals themselves to help people protect their own mail accounts from a number of email security threats, such as false messages, repudiation, eavesdropping, incursion of privacy, undefended backups, replay of messages, and the most common threat, identity theft.

If you want to know what email security systems are available today, then please read on.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Most email providers support the so-called “Secure Socket Layer”, commonly known as SSL, for their WebMail, POP, SMTP, and IMAP servers. Well, this system is actually a combination of symmetric and asymmetric key encryption mechanisms that works to secure the communications between your computers and the computers of your email service provider. What’s best about email security system is that it functions regardless of who your recipients are.

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How does SSL ensure your email security? In the first place, the SSL works to encrypt the username and password that you use to log in into your account. If the username and password are encrypted, there is no more chance for the hackers to steal your identity and other issues. Aside from that, SSL guarantees that you are contacting the computer of your service provider and not someone else’s. Lastly, the SSL works to protect your messages from eavesdropping.

Asymmetric Key Encryption (PGP and S/MIME)

While SSL works well in protecting your password and your message content from unwelcome intrusion, it does not solve some of the other email threats mentioned above, such as repudiation, unwanted backups, encryption, and message modification. With this, the PGP and S/MIME come in.

The PGP and S/MIME keys are the email security solutions that use the asymmetric key encryption to protect the content of your emails until they reach their receivers. This tool works in the sense that it uses message digests to determine whether the messages have been changed or not. This email security system is even more valuable as it proves sender authenticity by providing signatures.

As far as I know, it is the SSL which is being used commonly in today’s IT industry. But there are also others that use the PGP and S/MIME to protect their emails from any possible threats. Whatever you want to use, both are guaranteed to give you an ultimate security when using your email accounts.

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